Hospitality Marketing Unlocked: Analytics-driven Success



In this case study, we explore the challenges faced by a Fortune 100 hospitality client in modernizing its marketing approach and incorporating cutting-edge analytics and machine learning techniques. With a focus on detailed segmentation and customer journey mapping, the client sought to optimize their marketing methodology. The solution involved the implementation of a groundbreaking Markov-Chain enabled, cohort-level customer journey mapping process, complemented by a new Multi-Touch Attribution modeling process. The outcomes were remarkable, with opportunities to enhance spend and conversions identified at every level of the funnel. Most importantly, data-driven cross-channel marketing collaboration was achieved for the first time, empowering the client to deliver personalized experiences and drive unparalleled success in the competitive hospitality industry.


The Fortune 100 hospitality client faced the challenge of modernizing their  marketing methodology and incorporating advanced analytics and machine  learning techniques into their executive reporting and forecast simulation.  The primary focus was on achieving detailed segmentation and customer journey  mapping to gain deeper insights into customer behavior and preferences. This presented a challenge as it required the integration of new technologies and data sources, as well as the development of robust analytical models to  analyze and visualize complex customer data. Additionally, ensuring accurate  and real-time reporting and forecasting posed further challenges in terms of  data quality, scalability, and data governance. Overcoming these challenges  was crucial for the client to leverage cutting-edge techniques and enhance  their marketing strategies for improved customer engagement and revenue  growth.


To address the challenge, an innovative solution was implemented: a Markov-Chain enabled customer journey mapping process, coupled with Multi-Touch Attribution modeling, accessible through Tableau. This intuitive approach  provided valuable insights into customer behavior, enabling informed  decision-making and optimized marketing strategies. Ultimately, the solution resulted in improved customer engagement and increased revenue for the Fortune 100 hospitality client.


Opportunities to optimize spend and conversions were identified at every level of the  funnel. This identification enabled data-driven cross-channel marketing  collaboration, allowing stakeholders to make informed decisions based on valuable insights. Additionally, users were empowered with familiar reporting tools, enhancing their ability to analyze and interpret data effectively. This integration of data-driven decision-making and user empowerment resulted  in improved efficiency, targeted marketing efforts, and ultimately, increased  conversions and revenue.

Key Data Points

unique channels integrated into MTA
reducation in CPB increasing multi-channel efficiency